JFK Assassination The complete Orville Nix film


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Subido por el 17/04/2010

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  • @anewgift4u - Get lost.

  • So apparently Nix stopped by the site to take some footage that night and then went to a high school football game. I can't believe that they had a game that very night. Most all events were cancelled as I remember. Although with Texas football, you never know. Football isn't a matter of life or death in Texas, it's far more important than that.

  • Ifyou notice the sign on the top ot the Texas Bookstore Depositary, it reads "7:30". The assassination took place at 12:30 PM, so please explain to me whay this video is significant???

  • Thanks for the totally darkened conspiracy footage, it was real useful. Joke.

  • Lincoln killed in Ford's Theater, assailant fled to and was caught in a warehouse (barn). Kennedy killed riding in a Ford, assailant shot him from a warehouse and fled to and was caught in a theater.

    Lincoln's secretary named Kennedy. Kennedy's secretary named Lincoln.

    Lincoln and Kennedy entered the House of Representatives 100 years apart, got elected to the presidency 100 years apart. Both VP's were named Johnson.

    Lincoln liked doing it doggy style, Kennedy too. OK, I just made that one up

  • Nix film was locked up for 37 years by Govt and United Press Intl

  • Nix Bell Zapruder Muchmore etc caught it and perhaps Babushka Lady/Betty Oliver

  • Interesting- never knew there were multiple people who caught it on film.


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